Wednesday, 06 June 2012

Don't let the leaves fall!

So I'm not that great at posting regularly but I think I'm getting better :) The weather has not been so great lately. Clouds fill the sky and there is a cold wind that blows, which is occassionally accompanied by rain. Knowing Cape Town and its winters I know that the rain will soon become a daily occurrence; one I am not looking forward to. This also doesn't help when you're trying to get some work done, 'cause all I want to do is crawl into bed with a nice cup of tea and a movie. There is one thing I do appreciate though, and that is the colour of the leaves that keep falling.

As beautiful as this picture is, I can't help but be reminded of the cold that lies ahead. But with every negative there has to be a positive...


So sticking to the bright side...Here's to wearing cosy knits!

Peace, love and happiness!

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