Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Help

Last night I finally had the opportunity to watch The Help. I'm not really a fan of watching a movie with a lot of hype surrounding it. Somehow it never meets your expectations. Upon hearing the title, one can only guess what the story will be about, and so I had set up various expectations and tried not to think about them throughout the movie.

It was with this open mind that I began and then continued to watch the movie. It was BRILLIANT! This will truly be one of those movies where the story will stick with me for a long time, if not forever. The Help recieved four Oscar Nominations, with Octavia Spencer, who portrays Minny Jackson, walking away with the Oscar for Best Actress In a Supporting Role. If you haven't already watched you it, you need to do yourself a favour and watch it!

Peace, love and happiness!

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