Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Emily King

Last year I stumbled across Emily King and I simply fell in love! She has a lovely voice and I like how relaxed her music is.

My favourite track on the Seven EP is Sides. I love her clever use of words in the second verse!

    after the light has gone away
    and the monsters start to creep
    I'll never fear the closet door
    as long as you are there with me
    oh because

    there's a side of me
    that needs to be afraid
    there's a side of you
    that makes it all ok

    if you get lost in the woods one day
    on the cusp of a setting sun
    just call my name I'll get there right away
    with my silver bullet gun

    there's a side of you
    that needs to be afraid
    there's a side of me
    that makes it all ok

For Sides and the rest of her EP click here.

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Help

Last night I finally had the opportunity to watch The Help. I'm not really a fan of watching a movie with a lot of hype surrounding it. Somehow it never meets your expectations. Upon hearing the title, one can only guess what the story will be about, and so I had set up various expectations and tried not to think about them throughout the movie.

It was with this open mind that I began and then continued to watch the movie. It was BRILLIANT! This will truly be one of those movies where the story will stick with me for a long time, if not forever. The Help recieved four Oscar Nominations, with Octavia Spencer, who portrays Minny Jackson, walking away with the Oscar for Best Actress In a Supporting Role. If you haven't already watched you it, you need to do yourself a favour and watch it!

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Fly me to Scotland!

So it's cold and wet in Cape Town today. Not the greatest! Made me think of how I would love to take a trip overseas and visit a really good friend of mine who is in Scotland.


Having celebrated my birthday this past week, coupled with not seeing my friend for over fours years made me want to have head over to Scotland and have breakfast with him. I guess it's the simple things in life that make all the difference.

 Despite missing my dear friend, and a few others that are now in a different part of the country, I had a great day! And as cliché as this may sound, your birthday really does remind you of how blessed you are :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 02 March 2012

Grey Days...

So today I was having one of those grey days and whilst standing behind two grannies in P'nP I overheard them speaking about the thickness of pastry which is used for the pies. I chuckled quietly to myself, thinking about what I possibly would be discussing with my friends, or rather what I might be commenting on. What will fill up the days when my hair's gone grey and I have nothing much to do? Well except knit...


All I know is that I hope I still manage to be a kick ass granny:)

 Peace, love and happiness!

Thursday, 01 March 2012

March March March:)

Today sees the start of my favourite month of the year! I'm super excited :)


That's all!

Peace, love and happiness!