Tuesday, 02 October 2012

It's been a minute!

source: fuckyeahclocks.tumblr.com

I can't believe I have not blogged in two months! I missed this form of documenting my thoughts and sharing them with people out there in the world somewhere. So much has happened in the past two months and it's just made me think about where life is headed and what it is I want from life. The saying 'life is too short' has been an ever-present thought in my mind but only when accompanied with 'use your time wisely'. This doesn't mean that you must play it cool and safe all the time, just that you must live with no regrets and have fun once in a while. 

Anyway, here's to a fun times :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 30 July 2012

London 2012!

source: awelltravelledwoman.tumblr.com
After watching the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony and seeing South Africa strut their stuff I can say that I am a really proud South African. To top it all off Cameron van de Burgh made us all proud last night by winning a gold medal in the Men's 100m Breastroke Final! Some of our other results weren't that great, but lets's hope that this win is the one that turns things around for South Africa.

Here's to being a proud supporter!

Peace, love and happiness!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Colour me blonde!

source: www.confessionsofanobsessor.tumblr.com
 I've always thought it would be cool to one day dye my hair but I have yet to think of a colour that I think would suit me either than the black I've been rocking since birth :) Emeli Sande and Rita Ora sure do seeming to be rocking these blonde dos, with the added bonus that I love their voices!

Hope you've had a good day!

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Good Mood!

source: www.confessionsofanobsessor.tumblr.com
Apologies for my absence. I've been lazing about and more recently learning how to be a better version of me :) I think we are all better versions of ourselves just waiting to happen, except that we actively have to make it happen. Knowing this fuels a great feeling within, a feeling of hope.

So here's to better things :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Tonight I'm headed home and I am super excited!! This was a last minute decision but I realised that we all need some down time. There's no use in pushing through only to find yourself running on empty one of these days.

source: http://www.mymindin.tumblr.com/

To add to the excitement my siblings have no idea, so I'm pretty excited to surprise them :) I love surprises!

Here's to the fun times ahead!

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 18 June 2012

New Perspective!

Morning all,

I know it's kinda early but I thought I'd leave you with something to start the week off.

source: http://www.sapphiree.tumblr.com/
Last week was unproductive to say the least so I thought I'd begin this week with a new perspective that was focused on the act of being better in whatever I did.

So here's to a better week and a better me :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 08 June 2012

Take me back...

The other day the question of whether or not I had written a love letter before came up and that got me thinking about my high school days. I've written a love letters, and poems about the ones I loved. Not only that, my friends and I wrote each other letters. About deep things. About silly things. Going through my letter box made me smile and miss the days when you could put what you felt on put on paper and it was captured there forever. I know there's email and stuff but there is just something sincere about putting your words on paper. You know, taking the time to make sure it comes out right 'cause there's no backspace button just crossing out or starting again.

source: mymindin.tumblr.com

On the note of 'old' things...I REALLY would like to get a typewriter!

I'm tired but look forward to the weekend ahead. So, here's to a good weekend:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Wednesday, 06 June 2012

Don't let the leaves fall!

So I'm not that great at posting regularly but I think I'm getting better :) The weather has not been so great lately. Clouds fill the sky and there is a cold wind that blows, which is occassionally accompanied by rain. Knowing Cape Town and its winters I know that the rain will soon become a daily occurrence; one I am not looking forward to. This also doesn't help when you're trying to get some work done, 'cause all I want to do is crawl into bed with a nice cup of tea and a movie. There is one thing I do appreciate though, and that is the colour of the leaves that keep falling.

source: http://www.crusculdesac.tumblr.com/
As beautiful as this picture is, I can't help but be reminded of the cold that lies ahead. But with every negative there has to be a positive...

source: http://www.crushculdesac.tumblr.com/

So sticking to the bright side...Here's to wearing cosy knits!

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 01 June 2012

Anchor Of My Soul

source: crushculdesac.tumblr.com

Anchor Of My Soul
by Sunday B. Fakus
You have taken the winds away from me
With words that calmed the storm of my life.
You brought me within the proximity of your reach
And smoothly chased the solitude away.
An unbridled passion, adorned with golden dreams,
Replaces loneliness my mind has long forsaken.
And being condemned to missing knowledge of life
The knowledge of your love redeemed the loss.
Then my heart, like the eyes of an eagle,
Truly, passionately seeks and finds you.
Doubts, anyway, aren't a comparison to my strong love
For you're the anchor of my soul.

A Paris Elopement: Karl Thoennessen and Leslie Yeung of Rogue Territory get hitched!

For all the lovers out there that have found their anchor and for all those that have yet to find theirs:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Settle Down

So for the longest time I've liked the song Somebody that I used to know by Goyte ft Kimbra and have wondered how Kimbra's music sounds 'cause I've only heard good things. Last week a friend of mine finally got me to listen to Kimbra and I fell in love with Settle Down. She has great musicality!

Hope you've had a good day :)

Peace, love and happiness!

PS: My friend's name is Koosh and you should check out her blog :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012


souce: calivintage.tumblr.com

soucre: dreamboatnelly.tumblr.com

source: hipsterbleedsglitter.tumblr.com
source: calivintage.tumblr.com

source: mymindin.tumblr.com
There are just somethings you simply like and don't have a reason for liking them. Bows definitely fall into this category for me. I think bows have the power to add just the right amount of detail to any outfit.

Hope you've been having an awesome day:)

Peace, love and happiness.

Tuesday, 08 May 2012

Take me to Met!

Ever since I did an Art History course I've wanted to go and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met. Simply to experience a few one of a kind pieces that have shaped art throughout history. Now take a great venue; some interesting and beautiful pieces of fashion; and add a couple of famous people and you land up with an awesome event. The Costume Institute Gala!

The Met Ball, as it's known as, has been held annually for decades and with this it has brought us many years of outfits that will be spoken about for years; for their beauty, the boundaries they pushed and those which we wished they hadn't.
So I thought, why not take a trip down fashion lane, or rather take a peek at a few of my favourite looks:)

Selma Blair at the 2006 event.
source: fabsugar.com
Jennifer Lopez at the 2010 event
Carmelo and LaLa Anthony at the 2011 event.
source: vogue.com
Jay-Z and Beyonce at the 2011 event.
source: gq.com
Solange at the 2012 event.
source: eonline.com
Ginnifer Goodwin at the 2012 event.
source: eonline.com

Today was a great day:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 07 May 2012

Pick me up

So today has not been the best of days. Woke up 15 minutes before the time I was meant to be somewhere this morning. I can't really say I it was the worst day of my life but it really does stand out in the top 10. Whenever I feel like this I turn to music. Lately I have heard quite a few good songs that but for some reason the one that has stuck is Ordinary Heart by Emily King.

source: emilyking.bandcamp.com

If you remember, I did a post on her a while ago. I find the words of here songs sincere. I just love this woman's music and she looks amazing in this cover art! Whoever said pick-me-up music had to be pumping? I say, it simply has to be beautiful.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow's a better day.

Peace, love and happiness:)

Wednesday, 02 May 2012


So the number 58 was on my mind yesterday as it held particular significance.

Here are some random facts about the number 58:

Buddhism was introduced in 58 AD.
In 1958 Visa and American Express cards were introduced.
The US experienced an economic recession.
The word tear is used 58 times in the Bible.
California has 58 states and was ranked as the 8th largest economy in the world in 2011.

And finally...58 is made up of the number 5 and 8 and together that makes 13 my favourite number :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 30 April 2012

New places, new faces!

Last week  I was stuck in bed with the flu, so it was great to have two of my really good friends down in Cape Town for the long weekend. I was super stoked! Spending time with them made me want to travel more for some reason. Meet new people, see new places. I've always been of the notion that there is never too much to see out there. The world is beautiful and waiting to be explored!

Here are just a few pics of the world that is waiting to be discovered...

source: dropdeadglamorous.tumblr.com

source: mymindin.tumblr.com
source: piccsy.com
source: mymindin.tumblr.com

source: oneintheafternoon.tumblr.com

Here's to what awaits!

Peace, love and happiness!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


I saw a picture of this hot guy a few months back and wanted to know where he was from. Before I go on, here he is:

source: http://confessionsofanobsessor.tumblr.com/

Zayn Malik is from the group One Direction. I listened to their music and I love it! I feel like I'm a sixteen year old who has a crush on a boy band.

source: http://onedirection-.tumblr.com/
source: http://fuckmeonedirection.tumblr.com/
source: http://fuckyeahonedirection.tumblr.com/

One Thing is my favourite song! Check it out!

Hope you've had a good day:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Apology to my brown boy

Last night I was going through some of Bassey Ikpi's work and it lead me to her WordPress page. I found this poem that really touched me.

Apology to my brown boy by Bassey Ikpi

You don’t sleep
you take nightfall as suggestion
welcome most morning before the sun
you dimpled face and brown
run on both solar and lunar energy
before you came, this was my only worry
that you would watch morning from the wrong side
that you would be all moving parts and jump starts

I wish this was my only fear for you
Now that you no longer occupy my womb
you have taken over my heart
so how do I protect you from this world?
How do I convince them that you are still
more chubby cheek and wide-eyed
than scowl and suspicion?

in my eyes, you are still preemie
still five pounds, 3 ounces of wrinkle and yawn
you eventually grew
into first laugh
into flurry of knees over hands
into first stumble
into unsteady steps
into first words
into always moving
into always talking


you are five years into this life journey
each day your body grows towards manhood
each day your legs lengthen
each day your face shows traces of the men that share your dna
each day you become consumed with what manhood means
each day you mother swallows her heart

I wish I could freeze you in these moments
keep you young boy and safe forever
I don’t trust this world
but I don’t want you to own this fear
you smile before your eyes open for morning
laugh with strangers
call them friend before they give you a reason not to
call them friend even when they do
why can’t I keep you like this?
why can’t the world see you like I do?
worthy of life
perfectly human

You ask me about the boy who face still
holds the soft roundness you recognize
ask me why his mother is on TV crying
ask me why his father won’t smile
ask me why they are all talking about this boy
ask me why they’re marching
why is everyone so sad, mommy?
What happened?
Who is Trayvon?
Why was he killed?
Do I have to stop wearing my favorite jacket?

What do I say to you?
How do I answer your questions
without inviting you to my fear?
How do I make sense of this for you?
you smiling, brown faced boy
you lover of candy and soft drinks
and hooded sweatshirts that make you feel big
and tall like your uncles
you who runs when scared
fights back when cornered
how do I protect you from this?
How can I teach you to  love this world
when I’m not convinced this world will love you back

My Boogie
my baby

there are thousands who love you sight unseen
but I can not bare the thought of losing you
if just one refuses to see your light
I wish this wasn’t a possibility

and it doesn’t get easier
I come to you every morning wishing it would
wishing I would have the words to save you
tell you that it is as simple as what you wear
or how you sound
or who you hang with

When the hood isn’t safe
but it is
when the suburbs aren’t safe
but they are
when the best schools won’t help
when the worst ones won’t teach you
when it’s not about who your friends are
but also about what company you keep
when it’s everything and nothing

when there is no reason
No justification
no apologies to turn to dust in their mouths

when none of the answers make sense
and the questions keep coming
what do I say to you?

Each morning,
the sun storms unwelcomed through my window
and a killer is still free
when every year there’s another story
another murder
another bloodied body that owns your face
and they are never sorry

How do I tell you to  keep smiling?
To keep living?
To keep breathing?
I just do.

I keep the names of the dead firmly beneath my tongue
I hope this prevents you from turning hollow with my fear
prevents you from losing your love of candy

and if they come for you
they will know they took the heart from the lion
but they didn’t make you eat it
so forget the news
turn it off
ignore it

go play.
go laugh.
go  live the life you were intended

let me deal with this
I will make sure you have a morning worth rising for

I had heard about Trayvon Martin and the case and was left shaken. My initial reaction was of shock and horror but I don't think I ever truly could understand what his family and friends could be going through. I am black and have experienced racial prejudice before, but I have never feared for my life or the lives of my loved ones as a result of the pejudice experienced. It was once I read this that I felt I got a true glimpse of how those that loved him may have felt, and even those that never knew him but could sympathise felt. Those that live in America and could identify. What happened is a tragedy that highlighted this was most likely somethingthat was not out of the norm but rather something that was continuosly silenced. She asked: "Have you ever thought about how many Trayvons we have and will never hear about?" We have a long way to go as society and I hope that this is the big step in the right direction that many have needed and wanted.

May Trayvon Martin's soul rest in peace and his life amount to great change.

Monday, 09 April 2012

Take Care

So some people love Drake's latest album whilst others are not so pleased. Hate or love his current music you have to check out his music video for Take Care. I love it! It was put together really well and is somewhat artistic.

I hope you enjoyed it:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Saturday, 07 April 2012

Leopard Print

I've never really been a fan of leopard print, but when done a certain way I find myself in love! Here are just a few beauts! Did I just type beauts? Oh well...here they are :)
source: http://www.theblondesalad.com/
source: http://www.hu-tumblr.com/

source: http://www.hu-nt.tumblr.com/

source: http://www.atlantic-pacific.blogspot.com/

You may have noticed, but if you haven't, I would not be caught dead in a full-on leopard print dress. I think I'll stick to accessories for now. One step at a time.

Hope you're having a great day, despite the horrible weather:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Wednesday, 04 April 2012

Little Miss Sunshine:)

The other day I was wearing yellow, and true to form I had a good day filled with smiles and laughter. I never really believed in the colour of your clothing changing, refecting or having an effect on your mood. Well, not until that day. Coincidetally I then found a couple of yellow items that I loved and that I knew would surely brighten up any day if I had them on. So here they are....

Drew Barrymore in Alexander McQueen
Give me these heels!
source: hipsterbleedsglitter.tumblr.com
Beyonce in a blazer

Sometimes it can just be a little pop of yellow...

Beyonce in lovely printted pants
source: beyonce101.tumblr.com
Yellow nails adding a pop of colour!
Here's to brighter days:)

Peace love and happiness!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Emily King

Last year I stumbled across Emily King and I simply fell in love! She has a lovely voice and I like how relaxed her music is.

My favourite track on the Seven EP is Sides. I love her clever use of words in the second verse!

    after the light has gone away
    and the monsters start to creep
    I'll never fear the closet door
    as long as you are there with me
    oh because

    there's a side of me
    that needs to be afraid
    there's a side of you
    that makes it all ok

    if you get lost in the woods one day
    on the cusp of a setting sun
    just call my name I'll get there right away
    with my silver bullet gun

    there's a side of you
    that needs to be afraid
    there's a side of me
    that makes it all ok

For Sides and the rest of her EP click here.

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

The Help

Last night I finally had the opportunity to watch The Help. I'm not really a fan of watching a movie with a lot of hype surrounding it. Somehow it never meets your expectations. Upon hearing the title, one can only guess what the story will be about, and so I had set up various expectations and tried not to think about them throughout the movie.

It was with this open mind that I began and then continued to watch the movie. It was BRILLIANT! This will truly be one of those movies where the story will stick with me for a long time, if not forever. The Help recieved four Oscar Nominations, with Octavia Spencer, who portrays Minny Jackson, walking away with the Oscar for Best Actress In a Supporting Role. If you haven't already watched you it, you need to do yourself a favour and watch it!

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Fly me to Scotland!

So it's cold and wet in Cape Town today. Not the greatest! Made me think of how I would love to take a trip overseas and visit a really good friend of mine who is in Scotland.

source: lovescotland.tumblr.com

Having celebrated my birthday this past week, coupled with not seeing my friend for over fours years made me want to have head over to Scotland and have breakfast with him. I guess it's the simple things in life that make all the difference.

source: bkfst.tumblr.com
 Despite missing my dear friend, and a few others that are now in a different part of the country, I had a great day! And as cliché as this may sound, your birthday really does remind you of how blessed you are :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 02 March 2012

Grey Days...

So today I was having one of those grey days and whilst standing behind two grannies in P'nP I overheard them speaking about the thickness of pastry which is used for the pies. I chuckled quietly to myself, thinking about what I possibly would be discussing with my friends, or rather what I might be commenting on. What will fill up the days when my hair's gone grey and I have nothing much to do? Well except knit...

source: knittingfuckyeah.tumblr.com

All I know is that I hope I still manage to be a kick ass granny:)

source: tumblr.com
 Peace, love and happiness!