Monday, 21 May 2012

Settle Down

So for the longest time I've liked the song Somebody that I used to know by Goyte ft Kimbra and have wondered how Kimbra's music sounds 'cause I've only heard good things. Last week a friend of mine finally got me to listen to Kimbra and I fell in love with Settle Down. She has great musicality!

Hope you've had a good day :)

Peace, love and happiness!

PS: My friend's name is Koosh and you should check out her blog :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012





There are just somethings you simply like and don't have a reason for liking them. Bows definitely fall into this category for me. I think bows have the power to add just the right amount of detail to any outfit.

Hope you've been having an awesome day:)

Peace, love and happiness.

Tuesday, 08 May 2012

Take me to Met!

Ever since I did an Art History course I've wanted to go and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met. Simply to experience a few one of a kind pieces that have shaped art throughout history. Now take a great venue; some interesting and beautiful pieces of fashion; and add a couple of famous people and you land up with an awesome event. The Costume Institute Gala!

The Met Ball, as it's known as, has been held annually for decades and with this it has brought us many years of outfits that will be spoken about for years; for their beauty, the boundaries they pushed and those which we wished they hadn't.
So I thought, why not take a trip down fashion lane, or rather take a peek at a few of my favourite looks:)

Selma Blair at the 2006 event.
Jennifer Lopez at the 2010 event
Carmelo and LaLa Anthony at the 2011 event.
Jay-Z and Beyonce at the 2011 event.
Solange at the 2012 event.
Ginnifer Goodwin at the 2012 event.

Today was a great day:)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 07 May 2012

Pick me up

So today has not been the best of days. Woke up 15 minutes before the time I was meant to be somewhere this morning. I can't really say I it was the worst day of my life but it really does stand out in the top 10. Whenever I feel like this I turn to music. Lately I have heard quite a few good songs that but for some reason the one that has stuck is Ordinary Heart by Emily King.


If you remember, I did a post on her a while ago. I find the words of here songs sincere. I just love this woman's music and she looks amazing in this cover art! Whoever said pick-me-up music had to be pumping? I say, it simply has to be beautiful.

Here's to hoping that tomorrow's a better day.

Peace, love and happiness:)

Wednesday, 02 May 2012


So the number 58 was on my mind yesterday as it held particular significance.

Here are some random facts about the number 58:

Buddhism was introduced in 58 AD.
In 1958 Visa and American Express cards were introduced.
The US experienced an economic recession.
The word tear is used 58 times in the Bible.
California has 58 states and was ranked as the 8th largest economy in the world in 2011.

And finally...58 is made up of the number 5 and 8 and together that makes 13 my favourite number :)

Peace, love and happiness!