Monday, 13 February 2012

Time to breathe...

The past couple of weeks have been super busy and I haven't really had a moment to post an entry, let alone breathe. The moment I finally got a chance to sit down and enjoy the stillness I remembered how much I enjoyed going through these two blog and how I felt they captured stillness amongst the commotion.

Last year I fell in love with Rog Walker's photography for the simple fact that it felt as though I was getting a sneak peak into what he loved. Coupled with this was the simplicity with which he conveyed his message. I am a huge fan of photography that looks effortless and he sure does achieve this.


At the beginning of this year I discovered I see a different you and fell in love!! I was happy to see that most of their photographs are taken in Soweto, which offers a great contrast and has resulted in beautiful photographs. Local is truly lekker!!


Most of all I love how they both manage to capture beautiful fashion set in everyday life.

Here's to a great week :)

Peace, love and happiness!

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