Thursday, 12 January 2012

Time to decorate!

In a couple of days I will be headed back to Cape Town, which means that I will be moving into a new place. I am super excited because this means that I get to start afresh...well sort of. I have all of my stuff from last year but I feel like embarking on a little bit of an interior decorating journey. This got me trawling the internet for ideas and all I ended up doing was daydreaming of the future and the beautiful place I wish to own one day. What struck me was the different kinds of places I liked.*sigh* Anyway, here are a few pics of the places I fell in love with.

A perfect balance offered by bold and busy.

Clean lines create the perfect work space

...whilst the mis-matched bits of this work space make me feel as though it's okay to be a little messy:)
A kitchen perfect for preparing chocolate cakes and elaborate dinners
...and functional yet elegant space for entertaing guests.

  A bedroom fit for a queen

...a stylish bookworm..


...or simply one fit for a student.

Here's to daydreaming about the future.

Peace, love and happiness!

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