Tuesday, 02 October 2012

It's been a minute!

source: fuckyeahclocks.tumblr.com

I can't believe I have not blogged in two months! I missed this form of documenting my thoughts and sharing them with people out there in the world somewhere. So much has happened in the past two months and it's just made me think about where life is headed and what it is I want from life. The saying 'life is too short' has been an ever-present thought in my mind but only when accompanied with 'use your time wisely'. This doesn't mean that you must play it cool and safe all the time, just that you must live with no regrets and have fun once in a while. 

Anyway, here's to a fun times :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 30 July 2012

London 2012!

source: awelltravelledwoman.tumblr.com
After watching the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony and seeing South Africa strut their stuff I can say that I am a really proud South African. To top it all off Cameron van de Burgh made us all proud last night by winning a gold medal in the Men's 100m Breastroke Final! Some of our other results weren't that great, but lets's hope that this win is the one that turns things around for South Africa.

Here's to being a proud supporter!

Peace, love and happiness!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Colour me blonde!

source: www.confessionsofanobsessor.tumblr.com
 I've always thought it would be cool to one day dye my hair but I have yet to think of a colour that I think would suit me either than the black I've been rocking since birth :) Emeli Sande and Rita Ora sure do seeming to be rocking these blonde dos, with the added bonus that I love their voices!

Hope you've had a good day!

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Good Mood!

source: www.confessionsofanobsessor.tumblr.com
Apologies for my absence. I've been lazing about and more recently learning how to be a better version of me :) I think we are all better versions of ourselves just waiting to happen, except that we actively have to make it happen. Knowing this fuels a great feeling within, a feeling of hope.

So here's to better things :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Home Sweet Home!

Tonight I'm headed home and I am super excited!! This was a last minute decision but I realised that we all need some down time. There's no use in pushing through only to find yourself running on empty one of these days.

source: http://www.mymindin.tumblr.com/

To add to the excitement my siblings have no idea, so I'm pretty excited to surprise them :) I love surprises!

Here's to the fun times ahead!

Peace, love and happiness!

Monday, 18 June 2012

New Perspective!

Morning all,

I know it's kinda early but I thought I'd leave you with something to start the week off.

source: http://www.sapphiree.tumblr.com/
Last week was unproductive to say the least so I thought I'd begin this week with a new perspective that was focused on the act of being better in whatever I did.

So here's to a better week and a better me :)

Peace, love and happiness!

Friday, 08 June 2012

Take me back...

The other day the question of whether or not I had written a love letter before came up and that got me thinking about my high school days. I've written a love letters, and poems about the ones I loved. Not only that, my friends and I wrote each other letters. About deep things. About silly things. Going through my letter box made me smile and miss the days when you could put what you felt on put on paper and it was captured there forever. I know there's email and stuff but there is just something sincere about putting your words on paper. You know, taking the time to make sure it comes out right 'cause there's no backspace button just crossing out or starting again.

source: mymindin.tumblr.com

On the note of 'old' things...I REALLY would like to get a typewriter!

I'm tired but look forward to the weekend ahead. So, here's to a good weekend:)

Peace, love and happiness!